Tag: reflection

Thank You for Being a Friend

A few months ago, my husband and I packed up our kids, pets, and belongings and headed across the country. We truthfully had no...

What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

Typically, teen drivers are often the most at-risk for car accidents, but a crash can happen to any driver. When I was a teen,...

Encanto Might Be My Favorite Disney Movie

If you haven't already added Encanto to your must watch list, do it now. While I have a special place in my heart for Belle,...

A “Hot Mess” Mom’s Plan for Organization

I don’t wear the title of “hot mess” with honor, but it is accurate. I’ve been that way as long as I can remember....

Sometimes It’s OK to Ask for Help

Student. Runner. Employee. Wife. Household manager. Mother. Friend. I hold so many titles and wear many hats. Balancing time for each of these and prioritizing things is not always easy and...

After Being a SAHM :: When to Return to Work or...

Most everyone has short-term and long-term plans for life, career, and family. I had every intention of going back to work this fall when...

A Letter to My Graduating Class

To my classmates, ten years later:  I want you all to know that the three years I spent inside the walls of our high school...

The Mom Balancing Act of an Engineer

It's not like I'm the first woman to balance motherhood as an engineer. I'm not some rare breed of woman, but sometimes it sure...

Diversifying Our Friend Portfolio

My husband and I have been listening to a lot of finance podcasts lately. The importance of diversifying your financial portfolio is always one...

Parenting is Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

As for me and my Household, we are non-traditional clutch your pearls and hold your seat. No, I didn’t do anything criminal, mostly because I’m...