Erica Gray

Erica Gray
Dr. Erica Gray is a higher education professional, mother, writer, and educator. She has obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English, MAT in Secondary Grades, and Doctorate in Educational Leadership. Coupled with that is being the owner of both The Gray Perspective, LLC and Twisted Sister Fitness, as well as blogger of Lazy Moms Retreat.

Parenting a College Student

I had a non-traditional introduction to parenting. I wasn’t married. I was 20. I had more support than a little black girl was supposed to (statistically) and I successfully matriculated through college three times. We...

Tips for Planning a Fit Mom Summer

While my lens is a little different because my kid is 18 and I have flexibility, I, too, have cycled through trying to be active and having to raise him. I have had those...

Parenting is Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

As for me and my Household, we are non-traditional clutch your pearls and hold your seat. No, I didn’t do anything criminal, mostly because I’m not fit for jail (that’s another story for another day.)...

Fitness, Schmitness :: It’s for Life

So, fitness and workout journeys? Blah! Fitness, schmitness. There are so many cliché sayings. It’s nauseating. And here I am, being nauseating with my workout posts, Apple Watch activity, and some motivation to get...

National Girlfriends Day

Tribes. Squads. Crews. Teams. Gangs. Whatever you call them, I hope you have some who you call your own. Girlfriends are so imperative, and it doesn’t matter if you’re an open book or a...

6 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Senior Year

A Mother. A High School Senior. A Pandemic. In the beginning, the idea of togetherness was heart warming and I had so many plans of things we could do at home, that would not be...
today is not okay

Today Is Not Okay {A Reflection on Breonna Taylor}

“A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect.” ~ W. E. B. Du Bois Today is not okay.  I don’t find it difficult to write - ever. I find it difficult to have...