Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and marks the end of Summer. But, what is Labor Day (besides a day off from school and work)? It is a Federal holiday. Working conditions used to be...
When I was a little girl, I was in LOVE with American Girl historical series' dolls and all the books. My absolute favorite was Samantha with her books set in 1904. I was one of five kids, and we...
During 2022, my daughter and I started watching Anne with an “E” on Netflix. She was at the end of sixth grade at the time. While watching Season 2, it brought up talks with my daughter about how Black...
Biracial children often have a hard time figuring out their identity and their place in society. "Am I white?" "Am I Black?" Many daughters, like mine, have had darker-skinned little girls with courser hair bully them for having "good...
single parent shame

Single Parent Shame

Hi, I'm Courtney, and I was a single parent. A decade ago, I felt so much shame about being a single parent and felt so much societal pressure to act like I never was after I met my husband...
Two of my moms are amputees. My step-mama, Susie, was the first to lose one of her legs. Many years later, my mother lost one of hers as well. After the initial trauma of my mother's accident several years...
Parenting is hard. (I feel this hard, but I keep trying to remind myself, "Don't miss how far he's come.") Each stage is hard and about the time you breathe a short sigh of relief after conquering one stage,...
Looking for some fun and simple crafts with the kids this holiday season? If you're like most households, you use toilet paper... a LOT of toilet paper. Want a way to reuse those TP tubes before throwing them in...
A few weeks ago, a friend reached out and asked if I would be interested in writing a piece about being a mom. More specifically, being a lesbian mom. I considered what I would say about being a parent;...
Let's hear it for the ladies! The Derby City is home to many women-owned businesses. These women are passionate and experts in their crafts, from vegan restaurants to chic boutiques to millinery. Check out the list below, our LMC...

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Things to Do in the Lou {2025 Family-Friendly Events}

Looking for fun and family-friendly events and things to do in the Lou? We've got your roundup of things to do each month during...

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