Olivia Jarrell

Olivia Jarrell
Olivia is a busy mom of an infant and a toddler, doctoral student, runner, and education advocate. She loves a good math problem and a corny "mom" joke as much as the next mama. Eating good food and enjoying some quality snuggle time with her boys are some of her favorite things to do.
Realizing I'm Autistic Changed My Life

Realizing I’m Autistic Changed My Life

I was 33 when I realized I was autistic. Suddenly, the fact that it took me an hour to put socks and shoes on as a kid because the seams of my socks had...
guide to coffee shops in louisville

Guide to Coffee Shops in Louisville

Slow drip? Cold brew? Seasonal latte with almond milk? There are many options in the area to get your caffeine fix. Here is our guide to coffee shops in the Kentuckiana area! Abol Cafe -...
9 tips for a runner mom

9 Tips for a Runner Mom

While everyone is not a runner, I find that a lot of women like to return to or come to running after having kids. It's a sort of "take your body back" movement. I...
visit appalachia

Visit Appalachia {Road Trip Series}

As city-dwelling Kentuckians, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle; accept five lane, one-way streets as the norm; and forget that there is a different kind of life just...
to buy or not to buy secondhand

To Buy or Not to Buy Secondhand {That is the Question}

To buy or not to buy secondhand... that is the question! I don't know about you, but the sticker shock of a lot of items brand new keeps my buying in check (most of...
prepping for daycare preschool

Prepping for Daycare/Preschool

Are you a first-time parent about to send your little one off to their first day of childcare? A repeat parent who is using a different childcare method this year? It can be nerve-wracking...
running group changed my life

Joining a Running Group Changed My Life

In the 12 years since I finished college, I have lived in 4 cities (one of them 3 times at different points), 2 states, and 8 homes. Every time I moved, I had to...
potty training fails

Potty Training Fails

When he was just a few months over two, our older son started asking to pee on the potty when he would go to the bathroom with us. Of course, that was an easy...
baby-led weaning

Baby-Led Weaning

Growing up in the country, I think we kind of did baby-led weaning before baby-led weaning was a thing. Grandpa would give you a taste of his coffee and grandma would let you lick...
friend breakups after babies

Friend Breakups after Babies

When I was just a few months postpartum, I went through the hardest breakup of my life. It wasn't my first friend breakup, but it was definitely the one of my friend breakups after...