With 1 in 3 women in the United States having a cesarean section (often referred to as a C-section for short), it's important to be as informed as possible and to keep an open line of communication with your...
When you are pregnant, there is so much care and attention provided to you during those three trimesters. Everyone is fawning over you, you have multiple doctor's appointments, and you're thrown baby showers and gender reveals... However, once the...
For my first post on the Louisville Mom Collective, I wanted to share a birth story about my son, Solomon Marcel. On March 28th, 2023, just 3 days before my due date, I woke up feeling pretty tired and...
Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!) in the Greater Louisville/Southern Indiana area. Everyone is welcome! There will be great giveaways that any mom...
If I have to hear "You can always just adopt" one more time, I might actually scream. I never felt like I had a right to be included with those women that experienced infertility issues, pregnancy loss, and the...
We really need to make vasectomies the norm. When I was in active labor with my second child, in the process of making the decision to give up on a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), and go in for...
Having a baby? Don't do it without a doula. If you have never heard of a doula, I highly recommend you look into who they are and what they do for you. A lot of people seem to be...
Motherhood is a constant lesson in humility from my experience. But, I'm glad I humbled myself. I didn't have a choice really. Humility - along with WIC and couponing - saved my life. I wasn't planning on having a baby....
I can remember when I first started thinking about myself as someone who may one day birth and parent other humans, I thought a cesarean section was about the worst thing that could possibly happen to me. The idea...
Did you know, October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month?  It is the second most important ‘awareness month’ in my soul. Not my mind, or my heart, my soul… I cannot introduce myself or share experiences, struggles, or goals without...

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In + Around Louisville

Things to Do in the Lou {2025}

Looking for fun and family-friendly events and things to do in the Lou? We've got your roundup of things to do each month during...

Lights Around the Lou

Pregnancy & Infant Support