Tag: DIY
7 Kid-Friendly Snacks for Hot Summer Days
What’s your favorite memory of summer growing up? Maybe it was exploring the aquarium with your grandparents or playing hide-and-seek in your best friend’s...
Halloween Costume Maker or Just Being a Mommy?
When do you really feel like you've been inducted into the official Mom Club? I mean, I feel like I should have been inducted...
10 Easy Handmade Teacher Gifts from Recycled Jars
We love to give our teachers presents during the year and what better one than handmade by their students? I know I love my...
10 Kid Friendly Crafts to Reuse Glass Jars
We recycle many items within our house, but when it comes to the glass, I just always want to repurpose it. I always remember...
11 Kid-Friendly Bird Feeders
I recently found a cute window bird feeder that simply used suction cups to easily be attached or removed from my kitchen sink window....
Kid-Friendly DIY Night Light
My kids were watching me make bottle lights and asked if they could paint one, too. So, we decided to make night lights for...
9 Gratitude Projects to Do with Your Kids
With the whirlwind of the holidays, it's easy for kids (and adults) to be wrapped in the more superficial side of the holidays, to...
What to Do with All Those Holiday Deliveries
Having three kids of my own, many first-time parents ask me for gift ideas for their children. I laugh and always say, "Get them...
Spooktacular Neighborhood Pumpkin Hunt {in Kentuckiana}
It’s October, and many families are still social-distancing, so it’s the perfect time to introduce you to our Spooktacular Neighborhood Pumpkin Hunt! A special...
Let’s Color! It’s National Crayon Day!
March 31st is officially National Crayon Day! Let's color! I feel that my kids have been celebrating crayons more recently, but that's mostly due...