As a new mom, you’re probably juggling endless diaper changes and sleepless nights. Finding joy amid the chaos can be tough, but your overwhelming love for your recent addition makes the experience worth it. This recurring shift between highs and lows might leave you physically and mentally drained, but learning not only how to cope with but also how to enjoy the newborn stage will help you savor these precious moments rather than just survive them.
Focus on the Present
You’ve definitely heard of the three trimesters of pregnancy, but did you know that a fourth one exists? This term, coined by pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp, refers to the first three months of your baby’s life. This is primarily a period of discovery — you’re recovering from childbirth and your newborn is adjusting to life outside the womb.
Newborns have unique sleep patterns, feeding schedules and developmental milestones that differ greatly from yours. Understanding your young one’s needs will help you manage expectations and create a routine that works for both of you. For instance, you might have to schedule your naps, chores and personal time around three-hour blocks, as newborns must be fed every two to three hours.
Recognize that this isn’t a time for sunshine and smiles. There will be tough days when you feel drained, overwhelmed or unsure of yourself. The important thing to know is that it’s OK to have these feelings. What matters is that you find healthy ways to move forward.
You might feel pressured to do everything flawlessly, but remember that you and your little one need time to adapt. While it’s easy to get lost in worries, stay grounded in the present. Don’t stress about being perfect. Instead, focus on the small, meaningful moments with your baby, like capturing their first smile and feeling that tight grip on your finger.
Practice Self-Care
Taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your newborn. It’s a necessity that helps you manage the demands of motherhood. Here are some ways to prioritize self-care so you always have the energy and mental clarity to care for your baby:
- Get enough shut-eye: Sleep deprivation is very common among new moms and is a significant contributor to postpartum depression (PPD). Get more sleep by having your partner or family member help and taking naps with your baby.
- Nourish your body: Eat healthy foods as part of a balanced diet and hydrate constantly to give your body the nutrients it needs to support you and your baby. Also, listen to your body. Take a break and seek help when needed.
- Exercise whenever you can: Moderate physical activity is recommended six weeks postpartum. Although it feels like you’re always fatigued, a little exercise can work wonders. Walking, jogging, swimming, pilates and even playing with older kids can leave you more energetic and happier. Plus, it helps shed the baby weight. If you have a gym membership, consider enrolling in a postpartum fitness program. If you don’t, find ways to work out at home or hire a personal trainer with experience working with new moms.
- Practice mindfulness: Deep breathing and meditation can help you relax, effectively preventing stress buildup.
Take time for yourself. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, find time to do something you enjoy. Self-care is a priority whether reading a book, taking a long bath, going to the spa or attending a holistic yoga class.
Consider spending time outdoors in green spaces to lower the risk of developing PPD and other depressive disorders. Louisville offers plenty of baby-friendly outdoor spots. Stroll through Cherokee Park, visit the peaceful Bernheim Arboretum or sign up for a Zumba session at Waterfront Park. Look for activities that offer multiple benefits, like yoga. Yoga has been practiced for centuries to build physical strength and promote mental well-being. The practice promotes relaxation, which effectively reduces stress.
Establish a Support System
You don’t have to do this alone. Lean in on your support network for invaluable support and advice — whether it’s your better half, other family members, close friends or other new moms. Simple things like having someone watch the baby for a bit, help with the dishes or just talk to can ease the load.
Join a local or online group to connect with new mothers who understand what you’re going through. This sense of community will encourage you to live in the moment and appreciate the time you have with your newborn.
Find Joy Amid the Challenges
The newborn stage is just the beginning of your incredible journey, especially if you’re a first-time mom. While the challenges are real, so are the joys that accompany them. Mastering coping with the newborn stage involves focusing on the present, knowing that tough days will pass, and finding ways to believe that the time and love you share with your baby adds to a beautiful story.