Tag: parenting

I Think We Should Consider Homeschooling

“I think we should consider homeschooling.”  I can’t remember my exact reaction, but I think I laughed. Our oldest son was four years-old. I had...

Thanks for Telling Her She Can’t Run with Boys

I can still see it. Her look of excitement quickly faded from her face as the three little boys said to her, "No! You...

Extreme Mom Guilt

Who else suffers from "Mom Guilt"? Raise your hand. I'm definitely raising my hand. I've spoken to so many moms who experience mom guilt, but...

Did My Child Just Do That?!

As a mother, you often forget to look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house. Fortunately, so far I’ve remembered the “amazingly...

5 ways to Encourage Your Daughter to Learn about STEM

As an engineer, my mind is hard to shut off sometimes. I tend to overanalyze things all the time. Something I’ve recently noticed about my...

An Open Letter to My Youngest Son

Dear Youngest Son, I'm sorry your 2020-2021 school year was supposed to be my last year with you all to myself. We were going to...

Thanks, But No Thanks

Ever have a day when you have to say, "Thanks, but no thanks?" The other day I took my youngest son to Costco. We...

Where You Come From :: The Importance of DNA Testing

Right after the pandemic started, our daughter did a virtual summer camp where she learned about history and cultures from around the world. One...

It’s OK for My Kid to be LGBT+

My parents separated when I was in middle school. My mom was the first of my parents to come out. At that time, we...

10 Pounds in a 5 Pound Bag

There’s never been enough time in my day – or life – since becoming a mom. Seems like I always had to cram everything...