Shahrzad Javid

Shahrzad Javid
Shahrzad Javid is a full time working single mommy of a beautiful six year old daughter. Being a social butterfly and obsessing about the details in any special occasion has translated into her being “that Mommy”, celebrating anything possible. She prides herself on being an open book, discussing her traumas, as helping others pushes her to constantly be stronger. Self love, her daughter, family, friends and all areas of health continue to be at the forefront of her life. Each day is beautifully chaotic in her busy life!

Mindful Momming :: Leading By Example

The word "mindful" is a word I acknowledge daily. I am constantly focused on being mindful of others, mindful of myself, mindful how actions affect others, mindful of how words can linger in someone's...

A Year of Getting Things… Perfect?

As in-person hybrid school approaches, I find myself wanting to do “better” in these last days of NTI. I’ve had a year of getting things...perfect? I've had time to come up with the “perfect” schedule...